Economic Impact of Asset Labelling and Tracking

Asset Labels & Tracking

Whenever you turn on the news these days you hear about how the economy is affecting one thing or another.

Take the radical 'glass is half full' approach and look at how today's economy has a positive impact on something: asset tracking. We know budgets are tight and a lot of new equipment buying is therefore being delayed - the perfect time to do an audit of all the equipment you own.

The objectives of an asset tracking programme are first of all to make a company more efficient, allowing you to know not only where a specific piece of equipment is but also other pertinent information such as purchase details, maintenance, repairs.

The alternative is spending thousands of Pounds in man-hours searching for lost assets and purchasing unnecessary replacements only to find the lost equipment later. Unused assets might also give an untrue picture of the company's assets and cause an increase in insurance premiums.

Implementing an effective tracking program is not terrible difficult with asset labels available in a number of formats and sizes, all with numbering including barcodes for easy scanning when carrying out an audit depending on the needs of your company.

We all need to be careful about how we spend our money these days and companies with an effective asset register will be ahead of the game when the economy turns around - and, yes, it will turn around.

Dantech is an acknowledged supplier for more than 15 years to both industry, government departments and the educational and health sector of security marking products, asset labels and security labels.

With a high reputation built over the years on customer satisfaction Dantech can provide help and advice with your marking requirements,contact Dantech on 01354 688 488 for free and unbiased help and advice.

Published on Tuesday 30th November 1999

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